OT: Released Jobs - Version Control

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OT: Released Jobs - Version Control

Post by admin »

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Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

"Fitzgerald, Dan" wrote:
> >>> I thought the tax rate was higher in the US from memory. It has
> >>> been a
> while
> though! I know here in New Zealand it is a whopping 33% flat rate. Here in the State of Connecticut, USA, Tax Freedom day is still a few
> weeks
> away: at the end of the year, we will, on average, have paid more in taxes
> than weve earned - gross - so far this year. Thats right: every penny
> weve earned so far has gone to government, and most of us arent done for
> this year, yet. Some states (Alaska) just passed their Tax Freedom day
> within the past week. Here are the federal rates individual rates:

But lets not forget that for many large corporations, it is New Years Day or shortly thereafter thanks to accounting tricks and corporate welfare. I seriously doubt IBM has an effective federal tax rate anywhere near the 25 percent the original poster suggested.

|Rich Ahrens | Homepage: http://www.visi.com/~rma/ |
|rma@visi.com |-----------------------------------------------|
|"In a world full of people only some want to fly - isnt that crazy?" |