Enhancement suggestion for Manager

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Moderators: chulett, rschirm

Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »

Hi David,

See my comments below.
--- David Barham wrote: > Thanks Anthony,
> This however assumes that I want to export an entire category. Im
> currently exporting a collection of jobs that I have changed in the
> last few days so I can import them into our production project.

Correct. You can use categories however you see fit.

> Categories sound useful for grouping jobs, but the way I would want to
> group them for exporting would change every time I export them. Are
> categories intended to be this dynamic?
Absolutely! You can move jobs from a category called "Export" and back to a category called "MyJobs" (or name them however you like) as many times as you like. :-)


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