Copying hash files from 1 server to another

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Copying hash files from 1 server to another

Post by admin »

We have installed DS 3.6+ on an NT PC as a "test" server. Our production server has DS 3.1.

In order to test some jobs, I need to copy some hashed files from the production to the test machine. What is the recommended method? If the answer is by using some Universe commands in Telnet, some examples would be appreciated. The last time I touched Pick OS was in the early 80s and I know some of the commands in the Universe release are different than in Ultimate Pick.


Brad Vincent
Compuware Corporation
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
(313) 966-2176
Posts: 8720
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:26 pm

Post by admin »


if you need the data in the hashed files, and I assume that you do otherwise you wouldnt have asked your question, you can physically copy the files from one machine to the other. A hashed file is by default a dynamic (type
30) file which consists of a directory by the name of the hashed file which in turn contains a DATA.30 and a OVER.30 file (plus a hidden .Type30 file in UX). I would validate the job on the test server to have it create an empty hashed file and then binary ftp and overwrite the DATA.30 and OVER.30 files onto the new machine.

If your production server is a UNIX box (I couldnt tell from your post) you will have to run the "fnuxi" command to ensure that the byte-order is changed for the NT implementation. No other work is required.

You need to have UvNet installed and running on one of the boxes in order to use the internal file pointer technology.



-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent, Brad []
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 09:46
To: DataStage Mailing List
Subject: Copying hash files from 1 server to another

We have installed DS 3.6+ on an NT PC as a "test" server. Our production server has DS 3.1.

In order to test some jobs, I need to copy some hashed files from the production to the test machine. What is the recommended method? If the answer is by using some Universe commands in Telnet, some examples would be appreciated. The last time I touched Pick OS was in the early 80s and I know some of the commands in the Universe release are different than in Ultimate Pick.


Brad Vincent
Compuware Corporation
c/o The Detroit Medical Center
Data Warehousing with a "health"-y spin
(313) 966-2176