ODBC S1010 Function Sequence Error

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ODBC S1010 Function Sequence Error

Post by admin »

I have a couple of jobs which each have about 10 or so ODBC inputs using the Visual FoxPro ODBC driver (Windows 2000) to read from dBase files (this is the only form of export available form the source system - written by engineers).

These 2 jobs will typically be running at the same time. I have a further 3 jobs which also read from the same ODBC source and are also likely to be running at the same time as the first 2.

Very occasionally on our old server (Win NT 4) and far more frequently on our new server (Windows 2000 Advanced Server), we have been getting S1010 Function Sequence Error when reading these ODBC sources. It does not appear to be the data as we can reset the jobs and run them again without any problems.

It does appear to be related to how many jobs are trying to use ODBC at the same time or to the general load on the server. These jobs all run very quickly, but I have to run them repeatedly (sometimes up to 100 times in a single interface run).

Im guessing the problem probably lies somewhere in ODBC, but it doesnt hurt to ask.

Is anyone aware of limitations in UniVerse regarding the number of ODBC connections it can have open concurrently? You would make me really happy if you could tell me "yes" and where it can be configured.

(Everyones entitled to dream, arent they?)

Any other relevant information would be helpful as well. I have run an ODBC trace, but it doesnt shed any more light on the problem. The error always occurs after the call to SQLNumResultCols.

