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Metastage and Metarecon - wher do they fit?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 12:29 pm
by datastagexchange
Registered User

14 Posts Posted - 09/12/2002 : 06:34:33
Hi Cmueller,
I have some clarifications regarding Metastage and Metarecon and want to know their fetures and where exactly they fit in a DW activity.So, I am posting this as a new topic. <b>

cmueller wrote:
"Metarecon is a data profiling and analysis tool that is used to reverse engineer Meta Data from disparate sources (flat files, relational systems,ODBC). It is very useful when you know little of your source systems, have data quality issues with the source data or need to combine data from multiple sources.
It does not store your data, Metarecon stores information (meta data) about your data sources in a database (MRDB) that can be created in SQL Server or Oracle for example."

<b>Metastage does something similar to this. Using Metabroker the metadata can be collected from disparate sources. how different is metarecon from metastage? how does both the tools score against each other? could you give a comparison of its features?? <b>

cmueller wrote....
"Once you have analyzed all your data sources(column analysis,table analysis etc...) MetaRecon is used to create a new target database or use an exsiting database to map your existing sources to. If it is a new target database, it will create the DDL for you. It also features a transformation mapping editor that will create DataStage or Informatica ETL jobs for you. I believe those are the only two ETL tools it supports. "

Does Metastage provides something like this??
could you give me pointers/resources that compares these two tools?