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Valid Date function

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:51 pm
by kris007
Hi All,

I would like to know if there is any function available in DataStage such that

It Returns TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a string represents a valid date in the specified format.

I have looked at the options but didn't find one. Just want to know if I missed it by any chance.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:57 pm
by I_Server_Whale
I think it is 'DateGenericIsDate' transform to check for the validity of a date. But it checks only a certain number of formats.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:22 pm
by ray.wurlod
Not really out of the box. The SDK routine is very specific about format. The function, however, is very easy, provided you specify the format in a manner expected by Iconv() - that is, "DDMY", "DMDY" or "DYMD".

Code: Select all

FUNCTION IsValidDate(TheDate, Format)
If UnAssigned(Format) Or IsNull(Format) Or UnAssigned(TheDate) Or IsNull(TheDate)
   Ans = @NULL
   Test = Iconv(TheDate, Format)
   Ans = Not(Status())

Validate Date Function

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:03 pm
by avi21st
In my project I needed a routine to check whether a date is in valid format. We need to give the input format which has been specified as CCYYMMDD. I am describing the functionality and the code below. Please suggest any improvement that can be incorporated

Arg1 = aINDATE : Input date
Arg2 = Format of input date : aVALIDFORMAT

Called by:

Routine Functionality:

The routine check whether the input date is in valid format.

Return Values:

0 = If the Input Date is in Valid format
1 = If the Input Date is NOT in Valid format

Code: Select all

* Input Argument: Input   : Input Date                                  *
*                 Sformat : The Valid Date Format  CCYYMMDD             *
Input = aINDATE
Sformat = Upcase(aVALIDFORMAT)
If Sformat = "CCYYMMDD" Then
ConvStatus= Status()
* Output:  1 if there is error or warning in conversion                 *
*          0 if the conversion is successful                            *
Begin Case
Case (ConvStatus=1 or ConvStatus=2 or ConvStatus=3)
Case ConvStatus=0
End Case
Ans= Output