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Not able to extract the Data from MQ

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:13 am
by abha.kalra
i have problem with extracting data from MQ stage.
for eg i am putting 2 records to MQ but while extracting messages it is coming as 16. there is some spaces coming in between . But i m not able to find out the reason why this is happening and how should i solve this issue.

i also checked that data is breaking after each 999 charater. my queue length is 8000

Re: Not able to extract the Data from MQ

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:41 am
by kalpna
abha.kalra wrote: i also checked that data is breaking after each 999 charater. my queue length is 8000
Hi! abha
what is the max mesaage length of ur queue..?
how did u place the message on to queue?
and what is your message type?


Re: Not able to extract the Data from MQ

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:21 pm
by abha.kalra
hi Kalpana
details are
queue max length is 8000
and depth is 250000

and putting the data from a flat file transforming it to XML output satge and loading into MQ.
also i solve the problem bu checking the option "do not add spaces at the end of varchar column" while loading data to MQ . :)
if u have any other solution then please let me know