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Error codes of DS

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:53 am
by mauherga

Can some one tell me where can I find informaton about error codes in DS (and how to solve it)?

I have some errors that I want to know how to solve:
- Controller problem: Unhandled failure (-14) encountered calling routine DSWaitForFile
- Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(DWTHCCOMVERSE), code=-2 [Job is not in the right state (compiled and not running)]
- Job DWTHCCOMVERSE has finished, status = 96 (Crashed)
- Error calling DSWaitForJob(), code=-99 [General repository interface 'other error']
- ds_ipcput() - timeout waiting for mutex
- Unable to allocate Type 30 descriptor, table is full.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:05 pm
by kcbland
Here, of course! :lol: There's no central document that lists all error codes across all APIs, Clients, and Server jobs. This site is a great tool. All of your issues can be found here with solutions, so use the Search tool.