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REG: Exporting Of Stage Types...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:33 pm
by Vinodanand

In the Datastage manager there is an option to export stage types. Assume i'm going to move my projects to a different server what i would like to know is if the target server does not have a stage which the source server has and if i export the stage types with my project will the stage plugin get installed in my target server , If not what is the use of exporting Stage Types...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:37 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi Vinodanand,

Please use the Help provided in Data Stage Client, Pasted what was available from the DS help

Stage types. The chosen plug-in definitions are exported. (The Export option does not handle the associated plug-in DLLs. To deploy a plug-in, you must use the Packager Wizard instead.)

If you use the Packager Wizard when the Jobs have been realeased then you also get only the Plug in DLLs along with the Jobs.

So if your moving from one server to another, you definetly need to install the necessary Data Stage Plug in's.

Hope the above helps.

With Regards