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Configuring userids on Datastage server

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:53 am
by kalyanvinnakota
Hi All,

I am trying to configure couple of ID's to be able to connect to the Datastage server.
Both these ID's are created on unix box.

The following error is displayed

[b]Failed to connect to host:, project: UV
(Internal Error (39202)).[/b]

The user id's are part of group called "dstage".

This dstage is found in .developer.adm in our DSEngine.

I also checked in Administrator and see the project/properties/permissions and I see this group "dstage" showing the role of DataStage Developer.

Could you please tell me where I could be going wrong.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Thanks and Regards,

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:12 am
by chulett
Search the forum for that particular error number - 39202. You'll find tons of posts that mention it and it all seems to have to do with improperly setup permissions on the server install.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:05 am
by kalyanvinnakota
Hi Craig,

Thanks for your response.

I have done a search and tried all the options that I found. I see nothing works.

The new user id's created belong to dstage. This group is found in /etc/group.

The group is also located in DS Administrator- as Datastage developer in the permissions section.

I also checked .developer.adm file(In the project) and it contains this group. I have also changed this file to have 777 permissions.

I have changed ds.rc file so that it has 002 for UMASK.

I see the same error all the time

Failed to connect to host:, project: UV
(Internal Error (39202)).

I am badly Stuck!!!!!!!

Can any one please provide your valuable suggestions. I am waiting eagerly.

Thanks in Advance,

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:32 am
by ArndW

login as one of these users and cd to the DataStage engine directory (cd `cat /.dshome`), then issue ". ./dsenv" to set the environment and issue the command "bin/dssh" to enter the TCL environment. If all goes well, you will get a ">" prompt and can exit back to UNIX via the command "QUIT". The problem in the error message is attaching to the "UV" account, which is the DSEngine directory. Please post any error messages. These users might have access to the project, but perhaps not to the server directory.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:25 am
by kumar_s
Not sure about this. Pls correct me if Iam wrong. To get the new users be in part of the ds group and to get it effective member to use DS Server, shoulnt the DS Server be restarted. Or should the user need to source the dsenv and try. :?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:06 pm
by ray.wurlod
Error code 39202 relates to a failure to connect. It decodes (from the InterCall Developer's Guide from IBM) as "slave failed to give server the Go Ahead message", which is an internal coordination-between-processes error. Re-booting the server may help. Otherwise contact your support provider and/or talk to your system administrator. A search on the forum indicates that one possibility is the user not having write permission to the directory referred to by the UVTEMP tunable in uvconfig.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:38 am
by kalyanvinnakota
Hi All,

Thanks for all your responses.

ArndW: I have done what you have said and tried bin/dssh and also bin/uvsh.

I got the below mentioned error in both cases.

Unable to open unohist file.

Could anyone tell me, where I can find this file and how to proceed.

I have done a stop/start for server. I will do it agian now and check.

Thanks a lot for all the help.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:01 am
by gpatton
Do other ID's work connecting to DataStage server?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:26 am
by kalyanvinnakota
Hi All,

I have some developements on this.

I located the unohist file. I changed this file to have 775. Now When I am doing bin/dssh or bin/uvsh I am able to get into the ">"


I tried to stop/start the server. NOW it is asking for root password- Not sure why. I got the password and successfully stop started the server. I asked my admin to provide read and execute for all the files under DSEngine. Problem could be that.

Now when I am trying to login I see this error.

Error calling subroutine: *DataStage*DSR_SELECT (Action=2); check DataStage is set up correctly in project UV
(Unable to load subroutine on host (30105))

I have checked posts corresonding to this error, but not able to make much of them in finding the solution.

Waiting for Help!!!!!

Thanks in Advance

P.S: I am able to work perfectly with dsadm. I have been working with this only for a long time. Now I am trying to configure a new ID.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:46 am
by ArndW
I think that you do still have permissions issues on files - perhaps in the UV main directory but most certainly in the project directory/directories. Can you have your admin go to the project(s) and issue both a chmod 755 and a chgrp to your datastage group to see if that changes your error? It is also odd that the unohist file didn't have correct permissions.

Your error is still in the main UV account and not in a project, though. The error message might occur if your userid doesn't have read privileges on the file(s) that contain the DataStage subroutines in the DSEngine directory - although most of the DS routines are catalogued globally and are in shared memory. Can you ensure that all users have R access in the UV account? Going to the ">" prompt in TCL checks that then environment variables are setup correctly and that access to the VOC file is present, but doesn't do much else in the way of file opening.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:07 am
by kalyanvinnakota
Hi All,

Thanks for all the Help!!!!!!

The problem has been solved.

It is with permissions as rightly said. I went to each project and changed the permissions to 775(755 is not working) and it is working perfectly.

I do not want couple of my developers to access the test projects(located on the same server) so for those projects I changed the permissions to 755 and I checked to see they no longer have access to those projects :-)

Do you know of any better ways to restrict users from accessing projects? As the permssions are all based on groups and dsadm also falls under the same group as other id's. More over, I want dsadm to be able to do anything in the test environment.

One more minor problem:

After making changes, I see that I am not able to do a stop/start server with dsadm id. It is asking for root pwd and funnily it asks for the pwd several times. This will become a problem as we have to request for root pwd each time. The password is getting authenticated each time. To check waht is happening, I tried giving an incorrect pwd and it says "Authentication denied"

Copy pasting what is happening

>uv -admin -stop
dsadm's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
Cannot su to "root" : Authentication is denied.
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
root's Password:
Waiting for segment 655360 to be destroyed...
Unable to destroy segment 655360.
1 error(s) encountered during shutdown procedure.
DataStage Engine may be in an inconsistent state.
root's Password:
>uv -admin -stop
DataStage Engine has been brought down.

Does anyone ever faced this before?

Once again- Many Many Thanks for the help.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:20 am
by ArndW
You should look at the DataStage Administrator Guide starting on page 3-2 to get an idea of how user roles work in DataStage. It shouldn't be necessary to work with changing UNIX level permissions unless you have had an incorrect umask setting or have changed groups around.

I haven't seen the repeated password query before; it might have something to do with the mode that you installed DataStage with (did you use impersonation mode?)