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PACK for SAP R/3 - BAPI Stage

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:00 am
by tomato

I was trying to load data into SAP R/3 using BAPI stage.

I've successfully established a SAP Connection and found the Business Object that i wanted from the BAPI Explorer.

However, when i activate the column in Input > BAPI > Import tab, it prompts an error saying "RFC Error detected while getting BAPI Interdace Definition...", but the column still show activated with a green icon.

And the column that i've activated did not appear at in Input > Columns tab.
When i add those column manually and map to the values that i want and run the job, the job aborded with a meaningless error message "Abnormal Termination of stage....".

Ouestion: How do i go about this? Should i manually add those activated column into the Input > Columns tab? What value should i map to BAPISeqNo?

Best Regards.