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dsjob timeout issue

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:25 pm
by NEO
I have written a small batch script in dos, that invokes a datastage job and waits for it to complete. If it completes successfully, it FTPs some files to the Unix box and runs the same program again. If the program fails, the script stops. I am getting a

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Error 81002 waiting for job

Status code = 81002
error even when the job runs successfully. Going through this forum, I found out that its a timeout issue, which makes sense, coz my job runs for almost 2 hrs. I tried to check do not time out in administrator, but I dont have the previlages. Is there a work around to make the status code return successful when the job runs successfully without timeout issues.
Heres a snippet of my batch code

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cd C:\DataStageBackups\01-11-2006
ftp -i -s:C:\RECCNTRFTPScript.txt cinhapps31
dsjob -server cinhapps31 -user user -password passwd -run -mode RESET UAT MASTERSEQ
dsjob -server cinhapps31 -user user -password passwd -run -mode NORMAL -jobstatus -param INTR_RETURN_FILE=dl.out -param MNI_RETURN_FILE=al.out -param IN_PROC_DATE=2006-01-10 UAT MASTERSEQ

cd C:\DataStageBackups\01-12-2006
ftp -i -s:C:\RECCNTRFTPScript.txt cinhapps31
dsjob -server cinhapps31 -user user -password passwd -run -mode RESET UAT MASTERSEQ
dsjob -server cinhapps31 -user user -password passwd -run -mode NORMAL -jobstatus -param INTR_RETURN_FILE=dl.out -param MNI_RETURN_FILE=al.out -param IN_PROC_DATE=2006-01-11 UAT MASTERSEQ

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:34 pm
by loveojha2
81002 - Looks like its not a timeout issue, it is probably a issue related with Broken Connection.


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Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:54 pm
by chulett
The connection breaks when the job run exceeds the Inactivity Timeout setting and the dsrpc connection is severed. Neo, you need to find someone with Admin privledges and have them either increase the timeout value or set it to 'Do not timeout'. That or make your job run in less time. :wink:

Where can i find the Inactivity Timeout settings in 7.5.2

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:27 pm
by samit_9999

I am facing this similar problem and am not sure how to set the Inactivity Timeout settings.

Looked up in Administrator General Tab, but could not find it.


Re: Where can i find the Inactivity Timeout settings in 7.5.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:01 pm
by vivekgadwal

Inactivity timeout settings ARE in Administrator general tab. The default is set to 86400 sec (I think). That is a full day! There is also a "Do Not Timeout" check box underneath the settings.
Also, bear in mind that when the network connection is severed, this happens too. I encounter this issue and usually it is not because of the Inactivity timeout settings.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:34 am
by dinagiza
Hi, Vivek.
Have you resolved this problem? If yes, can you explain how? We started to encounter the same problem on our server (Information Server 8.1) (after installation of fix pack 1)

Thank you very much