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command line execution

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:25 am
by g_rkrish

I am trying to invoke the job in commandline.but when try connecting to the server which has the server installation asks for the voc file to choose i don't know which is the right one to which unable me to run the dsjob command.any help in this.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:28 am
by jzparad
Can you show us the actual command line you are using?

Connad line

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:04 am
by g_rkrish
jzparad wrote:Can you show us the actual command line you are using?
actually i am connecting thro telnet

and giving my username passwd am connecting it
on connecting it asks for the account or drive so i gave the installed drive.

we have datastage installed i on drive (D:)and projects in other drive(F:)

then next things it asks is the voc

the various options are like

ideal connectivity etc.

any more thinsg you need pls lemme know.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:16 am
by ArndW
DataStage on Windows installs it's own specialized TELNET server that directs you straight into the DataStage environment. You will either need to use a "normal" telnet server or open up a DOS windows/client using another method.

Once you get the normal DOS prompt you can execute the "dsjob" program with the appropriate options.

If you have no other alternative, you can answer "UV" to the VOC question and then you will get the ">" prompt from the TCL environment of DataStage; you can then enter the command "SH" to bring you to a DOS shell so that you can do the "dsjob" call; then you will need to "exit" from the command window and "QUIT" out of TCL to terminate the telnet session.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 11:38 am
by g_rkrish
ArndW wrote:DataStage on Windows installs it's own specialized TELNET server that directs you straight into the DataStage environment. You will either need to use a "normal" telnet server or open up a DOS windows/client using another method.

Once you get the normal DOS prompt you can execute the "dsjob" program with the appropriate options.

If you have no other alternative, you can answer "UV" to the VOC question and then you will get the ">" prompt from the TCL environment of DataStage; you can then enter the command "SH" to bring you to a DOS shell so that you can do the "dsjob" call; then you will need to "exit" from the command window and "QUIT" out of TCL to terminate the telnet session.
but the options are numeric i can't able to give uv there.the opitons start like
0,1,2 etc
any more things do i need to do


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:07 pm
by ArndW
g_rkrish wrote:but the options are numeric i can't able to give uv there.the opitons start like
0,1,2 etc
any more things do i need to do

I don't quite understand. If you telnet to the Windows server, it will prompt you for the name of the account to connect to. If you call up the uvsh or dssh program from a command window while your current working directory is not in a valid account you will get a list of account creation options - but you don't want to do this as it will create a host of files in the directory and it won't be a valid DataStage account.

Please give the name of a valid DataStage project or "UV" when asked for the account.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:09 pm
by manojkumarnayak
Question is not in detail.
what i guess is chose option 1. or give the datastage installed drive.
when > prompt comes write DOS.
you will get a DOS prompt.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:00 pm
by ArndW
In option (1) enter "DOS" to get a dos cmd shell, then you can run the "dsjob" command with the options you require.

In option(2) you are attempting to create a DataStage account (not a project) in D:\ and if you choose one of the 5 it will create a number of files that you really don't want! Please don't use this option. If you have used it you can delete the files and directories that were created (VOC,D_VOC,VOCLIB,D_VOCLIB,&SAVEDLISTS& and perhaps some more, I can't recall which ones are put into an empty account)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:34 pm
by g_rkrish
ArndW wrote:In option (1) enter "DOS" to get a dos cmd shell, then you can run the "dsjob" command with the options you require.

In option(2) you are attempting to create a DataStage account (not a project) in D:\ and if you choose one of the 5 it will create a number of files that you really don't want! Please don't use this option. If you have used it you can delete the files and directories that were created (VOC,D_VOC,VOCLIB,D_VOCLIB,&SAVEDLISTS& and perhaps some more, I can't recall which ones are put into an empty account)
I did what you said but it say dsjob is not a internal or external command

also when i did ls i got the voc and voclib which i guess is required for dsjob command


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:50 pm
by ArndW
the "dsjob" command is on your Windows server system - but you haven't added it to your path - just do a search of your server to find the dsjob.exe (you will need to specify a number of command line options to start a job, but they are listed when you call up "dsjob" and are also described in your documentation).

The VOC and other files are part of your DataStage project and should NOT be deleted! Only if you have those files on your D:\ drive as part of an earlier failed attempt from your execution path (2) should they be removed.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:55 pm
by g_rkrish
ArndW wrote:the "dsjob" command is on your Windows server system - but you haven't added it to your path - just do a search of your server to find the dsjob.exe (you will need to specify a number of command line options to start a job, but they are listed when you call up "dsjob" and are also described in your documentation).

The VOC and other files are part of your DataStage project and should NOT be deleted! Only if you have those files on your D:\ drive as part of an earlier failed attempt from your execution path (2) should they be removed.
Do you want me execute the exe file.i didn't get what you meant.can you elaborate on this.i appreciate for all of your help.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:44 pm
by manojkumarnayak
go to the folder containing dsjob.exe. Then run it with proper parameter arguments.
Or you can add the path of "dsjob.exe" to your environment path and run from any location.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:16 pm
by g_rkrish
manojkumarnayak wrote:go to the folder containing dsjob.exe. Then run it with proper parameter arguments.
Or you can add the path of "dsjob.exe" to your environment path and run from any location.

thanks very much it works.
but i need one more help my projects are in different directory when i gave the path to access my path to projects it is not. any suggestions on that.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:20 pm
by g_rkrish
g_rkrish wrote:
manojkumarnayak wrote:go to the folder containing dsjob.exe. Then run it with proper parameter arguments.
Or you can add the path of "dsjob.exe" to your environment path and run from any location.

thanks very much it works.
but i need one more help my projects are in different directory when i gave the path to access my path to projects it is not. any suggestions on that.


Thanks for every body in helping.IT works fine