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Why do we need DRS though we have OraOci, DB2UDB, BCP, ODBC

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:07 pm
by DataStageCnu
Hi All,

Why do we need DRS stage? Can't we use the existing native stages for their respective databases? Is there any specific on using DRS? Does it effec any kind of extraction or loading process?

If my DB is DB2 on EPM, do i have to use DRS only or can i go with DB2UDB stage?

Are the OraOci, OraBulk, DB2UDB, BCPBulk, ODBC comes with DataStage or do we have to buy the plugins apart from DataStage?

Pleaes clarify me.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:17 pm
by chulett
You never "have" to use the DRS stage. From what I understand, it was created as part of the PeopleSoft deal. The goal was to allow your jobs to be "database independant" - a simple switch of a parameter and they go from talking to Oracle to any other supported database, for example.

Of course, it isn't always that simple in Real Life, as there are syntax differences and metadata differences between the same datatype across databases, things like Timestamps for example. I really don't think it worked out quite as seemlessly as "they" would have liked. I haven't had a burning need to use or even play with them much yet, to be perfectly honest.

I'm not aware of any advantages or disadvantages of the DRS over the corresponding native stage. :? Perhaps someone who's actually using them could offer an opinion...

And yes, the plug-ins you listed all come with DataStage.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 6:17 am
by koolnitz

We came across a situation where using DRS is advantageous over native stage for DB2.
We are implementing NLS in one of our projects. Our source data come from AS/400 systems. In the source tables we have multi-lingual data across columns. DRS stage supports NLS at column level whereas DB2 stage supports this only at table level.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:33 pm
by baigdw
as pointed out by other DRS is DB independent and offers the flexibility of using with multiple db's.
Yes the OCI have a better way of handling the data structures if your source and target database is oracle.
Yes most of the common db have the plugins delivered with the Datastage tool.