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Error on View_Data for Dynamic RDBMS Stage

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:18 pm
by baigdw
I am getting this error when I am using the DsParameter files to pass the parameters and do the View Data.

jobName.DRS_StageName: Unknown client library - $PROJDEF
jobName.DRS_StageName.DSLink1: DSP.Open GCI $DSP.Open error -100.

If I replace the parameters with the Actual DBName , UserName and PW then it works fine.

Where could I being going wrong. Is the DSParameters file ? Please advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:02 pm
by Amos.Rosmarin

Do you have problems during run time or just in the view data?
If it is only a view data problem I suggest you ignore it ... the view data is not
reliable and tends to make problems.

If it is in run time ... there is a fix from ascential support for this stage


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:11 pm
by jzparad
I just assumed this was a "feature" of DataStage. It seems $PROJDEF is only interpreted correctly at runtime (at least this is what I've found on DataStage 7.5 Windows).

Furthermore, in 7.5 you can specify an environment variable as encrypted and if you do, you will get an error even if you replace the parameters with the actual value.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:08 am
by baigdw
Amos.Rosmarin wrote:Hi,

Do you have problems during run time or just in the view data?
If it is only a view data problem I suggest you ignore it ... the view data is not
reliable and tends to make problems.

If it is in run time ... there is a fix from ascential support for this stage

Amos /jzparad
The problem is only occuring if I try to view the data, Its running fine in run time i.e. if I run the complete job. Do I need to log a ticket with Ascential support for this.
$PROJDEF is the environment variable defined and If I replace that variable with the actual value it runs fine and display the data when I click the View Data button. Any suggestions.
Initially I thought it was the problem with the Env. variables but that not the case as the job runs fine when I run it with the same variables.