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can not open job activites in a job sequencer

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:25 am
by supernova2005
Good morning everyone,

This is the first time I have this kind of problem. I installed my DS client recently, and I tried to open a job activity stage in a job sequencer, but nothing happens, that is, there is no pop up window, but the job seems to be edited (that is, the there is a '*' in the end of my job sequencer's name on the top ) , and I tried hunders of times on all my sequencers and the same problem happens everywhere. I also tried reinstalled my client, rebooted my PC, but still the same symptoms. The funny thing is, I tried the same job sequencers on the same server other people's PC and there is no problem at all!

Does anyone have similiar problems ?

Your answers will be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:27 am
by gpatton
you need the windows xp path.

See post:


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:30 am
by ArndW

many others have had the same problem and the questions as well as answers have also been posted. The SEARCH facility should be a core part of DSXchange usage as it will locate the answers to your question. I used it to get many responses, including this one.