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ServerJobs-JobSequence Errors

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:47 am
by suresh.narasimha

When i created a job sequence with more than 30 job activities and when trying to insert jobs and job parameters into those activities im repeatedly getiing an error and the whole designer is closed .

The Error Message Follows: (on a pop-up)

DSDesign.exe-Application error

The Instruction at "0x7c910de3" referenced memory at "0xfffffff8".The Memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program.

Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

Thanks In Advance

Suresh Narasimha

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:06 am
by ArndW
Other people have posted the same type of Designer issues in the past which you could find with the search facility. I haven't had this problem, but it seems that there is a patch available from Ascential/IBM to resolve the issue.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:24 pm
by vmcburney
Thirty job activity stage, youch! Do you have the same common parameter names appearing in most if not all of those jobs? Consider dragging and dropping your jobs onto the canvas and then exporting to dsx, open in a text editing tool and use search and replace to set your parameter values. A lot faster then setting up 30 job activity stages manually.

Before 7.5.1 it used to be easy to set job parameters, you set up one job activity stage, copied it and changed the job name and it kept the parameter settings. In the latest version changing the job name wipes the parameter settings. :evil: