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Job status as running

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:42 pm
by maheshsada
We are having a job, where a oracle stage, transformer and sequential stage are used. But we are just selecting 0 from dual and writing to a file. In the after job sub-routine we are calling sql loader to load the data from dat file to table.

The number of data will be in the range of 20Million. The problem here is even after the data is loaded in the table, the datastage job is showing status as running in director, instead of getting finished.

If we want to run the job for next extract we have to manually open the job in designer and compile it.

Can you please suggest why the status is not getting updated in director

Magesh S

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:17 pm
by kcbland
Instead of your job design, use a Batch style job to call DS routines directly, it's much more elegant.

To call any subroutine, just use:

Code: Select all

      Call DSU.yoursubroutinename(InputArg, DSJ.ERRFATAL)
You can put calls to DSLogInfo before and after calling your routine to error trap it. You also can do multiple statements, in fact, write a complete script in DS BASIC calling API's. You'll find that this Batch job is much easier than your transformation job.

I suspect the job is encountering a fatal error inside your subroutine and is aborting the job in such a way that the job doesn't detect it's dying and thus never gets the chance to clean up its status.