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UTF-8 Data Detected

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:39 am
by saadmirza
Hi All,
I have a DS Server job with Oracle as source and BW Load pack as target. The same job runs without any warnings and loads data inot BW InfoObject succefuly uin D and Q environment. My D and Q runs on the same server but my P runs on a dfferent machine. This warning occurs only when loading data into BW. My project default NLS is MS-1252.
Whn I change the BW Load pack NLS setting to UTF-8 the data appears in BW InfoObject. What may be the reason for occuring in Production server.
I have never seen this warning before.
Please advice.

Thanks and regards,

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:12 am
by clarcombe
One thing you might look at is the version and configuration of Oracle on the production and development server.

I believe there may be a setting which deals with UTF-8 data.