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DataStage Upgrade from 5.2 to 7.5

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:12 am
by 120267

I am in a situation wherein I will be upgrading DataStage from Ver 5.2 to 7.5 and this will involve migrating our entire DataStage code. I have been going through various posts that have been extremely helpful to me thanks to the wonderful forum here. One additional catch is that we would be migrating the DB from Oracle 8i to 9i and OS from HP 32 bit to 64 bit as well. I came to understand that "mere" upgradation is possible. But, I want to know if there are primarily any challenges wrt this scenario as in

1) any performance benefits to DS as such when migrating from 32 bit to 64 bit OS?
2) Apart from modifying the DS ORAOCI Stages, any additional changes to be done? How do we handle the hash files in particular? Is just copying the VOC and .30 files sufficient given the 32 - 64 bit OS upgrade?
3) Any challenges wrt the way DS is designed internally in the two versions? Any way we need to change the DS jobs?
4) How will the version tool of DS help in this, if at all?

I know this might be a repeat for some of you. But, I am looking for some specific answers.


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:37 pm
by kcbland
1. Not really, it still has to use 32-bit OCI for Oracle.
2. If you have to save persistent hash files and do a fresh project installation, I suggest you output your hash files to sequential files and reload the hash files after the switchover.
3. None.
4. Use the tool on the CD for mass converting 8i to 9i, works like a champ.