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Controller error: Timed out while waiting for an event

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:37 pm
by crsimms

When manually running a master sequence that starts a number of child sequences in parallel or the same children sequences in an arrangement using AutoSys, on a UNIX server, the following error is encountered, but not always on the same job:

Item #: 16
Event ID: 15
Timestamp: 2005-11-11 12:27:57
Type: Warning
User Name: devocs
Message: SEQ_J_Stage_PS_JRNL_HEADER..JobControl
(@SEQ_J_Audit_PS_JRNL_HEADER): Controller problem: Error calling
DSRunJob(SEQ_J_Audit_PS_JRNL_HEADER), code=-14
[Timed out while waiting for an event]

My first assumption is that the server is running out of resources and is unable to spawn new processes associated with the running of the DataStage jobs. Is this not correct, are there other potential reasons for this error?



Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:28 pm
by loveojha2
My first assumption is that the server is running out of resources and is unable to spawn new processes associated with the running of the DataStage jobs. Is this not correct, are there other potential reasons for this error?
Moreover, may be One of the sub task say Hashed File population for the lookup purpose is taking too long, that's why other dependant process has Given up waiting for it to complete.

As a work around, Play around with the buffer size and timeout settings or disable row buffer. This should solve your problem.

Re: Controller error: Timed out while waiting for an event

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:03 am
by chulett
crsimms wrote:My first assumption is that the server is running out of resources and is unable to spawn new processes associated with the running of the DataStage jobs.
Yes, swamping your server is the typical cause of this error. How many of these 'child sequences' are you running at once and how many jobs do they end up trying to run at the same time? :?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:31 am
by hkotze
We had a similar problem. We started a sequence job that started a whole lot of extraction jobs at the same time. We then get a time out error on some jobs. We changed or sequence job to balance the jobs on time it takes to run in order to utilize the machine but also to not have the box idle to long. This solved the problem and we are no running or whole run with one sequence job. You have to do some manual job balancing.

Trial and error resulted in positive run's.