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variable NullToZero not defined

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:47 pm
by LogicDude
I am getting a goofy error while compiling the jobs.

In Transformer Stage, all the column transformations where I am using "nulltozero", have become "Red". I checked out other jobs and it's the same. The jobs which were running fine till now, are suddenly not even compiling because the "nulltozero" columns are red now !

When I use "nulltozero" in the constraint of a transformer, I get the error message: " constraint error: variable nulltozero not defined".

Can anypone suggest me what to do? I am lost... :(


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:15 pm
by logic
My 1 cent
Are you selecting the routine by clicking or typing it. Chances are that there might be a spelling error or a space overlooked. Although this might not be the case since all your jobs are not compiling and were running fine before. but just in case......
Also was the routine renamed/deleted ifrom the manager...a remote possibility

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:31 pm
by LogicDude

I checked the manager. The "nulltozero" should be in the "Transforms" folder but in my current project, it's empty. I don't know how it got deleted!

I am not able to import the inbuilt transforms from other project. (read only).

Any other way?


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:34 pm
by loveojha2
LogicDude wrote:Hi,

I checked the manager. The "nulltozero" should be in the "Transforms" folder but in my current project, it's empty. I don't know how it got deleted!

I am not able to import the inbuilt transforms from other project. (read only).

Any other way?

Create a copy of the Transform (copied one would not be readonly).
Export it and import it the target project and change the name to NullToZero. :wink:
Use this command to make it updateable

Code: Select all

and Export

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:06 pm
by rleishman
Make sure the routine is compiled. Someone may have opened it and hit SAVE.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:53 am
by ray.wurlod
Export NullToZero Transform from another project, selecting the "include read-only objects" option. You will then be able to import it into the project from which it has been deleted. It will still be read-only.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:55 pm
by LogicDude
ray.wurlod wrote:Export NullToZero Transform from another project, selecting the "include read-only objects" option. You will then be able to import it into the project from which it has been deleted. It will still be read-only.
Thanks a lot, Ray. Sorry for replying late. Well that day, when I attempted to take a back up of the project (export), everything became normal. I mean the NullToZero transforms are no more "Red". And I was able to kick off the master sequence with out any problem. But I am still not able to see these transforms in the manager. I think I need to rebuilt indices on this project.

I want to figure out what excatly caused this. :?:

We will do some more cleanups in this project.

Thank you all for all your inputs!