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filter command this issue ever resolved ?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:48 am
by kaps

I read somewhere in this forum that filter commands truncates charecters when we use pipe symbol in version 7.1.

I am using version 7.5 and am facing the same problem.
Is this issue ever resolved ? If so do we need to install any patch for this ?

Please let me know.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:37 am
by ArndW

I did a search of "filter" and "truncate" and didn't come up with any matches, so I don't know what you read and where you read it - what is the actual problem you are getting with filter?

The filter does nothing more than call an OS command, so there isn't much that can go wrong there - this hasn't stopped developers from proving me wrong, but at least it makes problems easy to reproduce here.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:59 am
by chulett
I posted something in the past on the issue - I don't recall the exact character, seems to me to have been a single quote or comma rather than a pipe. :? What I see in 7.0.1 is you put in a long filter command, close the stage and reopen it and the command has been truncated at the offending character.

No clue if it's been fixed in later versions.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:14 pm
by kaps
Thanks Arnd and Craig...

Try to search using the keyword " filter command "....

This is the original post I was talking about...posted by Craig on Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:52 am...
The Filter can take any O/S command that handles Standard In and Standard Out well. Sort should be one of them.

There is a bug in the version I am running (7.0.1) where filter commands with quotes or pipes get stripped after the first occurance. You can see this by typing a filter command in the stage, closing it and reopening it. If you are a victim of this, you'll see your truncated command the next time you open the stage. For me it means I have to make sure the record delimiter matches the default for sort as I can't pass in a "-t" with mine.