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Does Datastage support STORED PROCEDURE STAGE for DB2

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:07 pm
by mahi_mahi
Hello Friends,
I would like to know whether datastage 7.5 will support stored procedure stage for DB2.

from the available manulas i could find this supports only Oracle Currently

Is it true please let me know....


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:40 pm
by logic
Hi Mahi,
Stored Procedure stage does support DB2 in Datastage 7.5.1 . With this release, the options are DB2 , Oracle , and Sybase. It does not support SQL server though.
Hope this helps.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:18 pm
by mahi_mahi
Thank you very much Logic for your reply
I am still wondering about Stored procedure stage whether it supports or not....!!!!
my company bought DS license 2 months back( and they should have bought latest version only!!!!!!!) but stored procedure stage not working for me. when i open stored procedure stage and i try to give db2 under vendor database, it saying invalid database...... it is just accepting oracle.

our version is 7.5

if it works in DS 7.5.1 then i need to tell my management
becoz we have to use lot of existing db2 stored procedure

Please add more information on this topic... this really helps us lot
