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Error description capturing process

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:26 am
by ysrini9

For rejecting rows purpose we are maintaining Errortable_log

in this table fields like Error_number,Errordescription,someotherfields.

here through linkvariable DBMSCode i am capturing Errornumber Ex:like

ORA-0091 like that but I have to capture error_description along with number like Uniquekey constraint vialation or primary key whatever Error number along with error description with out hardcoding.for finding the error description i am using lasterror or some constant i am using upto some limitation i am able to getting description(i would like to capture upto last point like uniquevilation or primarykey like that.please give me the help on this.


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:15 am
by chulett
Why post this twice? Please see the answers in your previous version of this question.