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Problems in upgrade to 7.5.1A from 7.5

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:40 am
by rleishman
Just thought I'd share an upgrade experience.

We have recently upgraded from 7.5 to 7.5.1A. Contrary to voluminous advice in this forum (and much to my chagrin) we have been using Fully Generated SQL in our ORAOCI source stages (long story, but another day...).

We upgraded, started building/updating jobs (we're still in dev), and then discovered :x that the SQL Builder had been creating SQLs with fully qualified table names. ie. schema.tablename.

Shortly after the lyching party was formed to find the culprit who re-imported the tables with "Fully Qualified Table Names" checked, we discovered that the tables had not been checked. What's more, the Plug-in Table Definitions were NOT fully qualified.

Rubbed eyes a bit and re-imported the 7.5 client on the most junior developers PC, and found that the SQL Builder was just fine in that version, it was just 7.5.1A that was including the schema name.

Very long story less long, the 7.5.1A Table Definitions / Plug In / Properties window has a new tab: "Locator". It contains, amongst other things, the name of the schema (called DataSchema) from which you performed the import - even when you leave Fully Qualified Table Names unchecked.
The 7.5 ORAOCI import also imports the DataSchema (you can see it in an XML repository export), but there is no Locator tab, so you cannot see it in the 7.5 client.
7.5 treats this DataSchema as informational only, but 7.5.1A uses it in the SQL Builder tool as a Schema when building SELECT statements :o

5 phone calls, 2 email messages, and 7 emotional outbursts later, I managed to convince Ascential that it was an "unintended consequence" of the new SQL Builder tool, but since there are workarounds (edit the Locator tab to remove the DataSchema), it won't be fixed until v8 (Case Number 453962).

So, if you're considering the upgrade to 7.5.1A and you use OCI Fully Generated SQL (surely there's one more idiot out there), then I'd consider hanging back until v8.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:40 am
by Andal
One more problem with 7.5.1A, If we define a job parameter as "$something" and if it is not defined in Project Variables(Global Environment Variables), the job is not even compiling. The only option is to remove the "$" .

But we dont have this problem in 7.5.