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Standard Deviation Invalid

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:24 pm
by gsherry1

According to DS documentation the Standard Deviation functionality on the Aggegator should work for all numeric types. I switched my input and output column data type from a integer (working) to decimal(15,2). It is now not working. The warning message received is:

WorkDW00QL_TrendTest..CntrCalcLimits.AggrAvgStdDev: While creating "DSColumnC" object of type ""
While parsing derivation expression for column "FromAggregate.standard_deviation"
Syntax error at line 1, column 8, token "amount"
Invalid argument type

Followed by a fatal message:

WorkDW00QL_TrendTest..CntrCalcLimits.AggrAvgStdDev: |-100|

I have also tried numeric(15,2) but this gave the same error. Both sum and average functions are working on the same input.

Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround (other than rounding input to integer), or calculating standard deviation myself in a transform?



Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:31 pm
by kcbland
Off-hand, this part of the message gives me concern:
While creating "DSColumnC" object of type ""
The blank object type makes me think maybe some internal metadata is screwed up. This stage historically had some issues where derivations were lost. Also, the metadata is important.

Just for giggles, did you try redoing the derivation after playing with the metadata?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:37 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Hi there! I am no expert, but suggest that you try "massaging" the data slightly. Try something like fix(trim(yourcolumn),15,2)...