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Error in command 'CATALOG ... Unable to open for cataloging

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:45 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Something really strange in my project
Pleaaaaaze may someone have an answer on this one....

I have exported an entire project from one server into another server (change control rules dictate), whereafter I started getting cataloging errors. After this point, you cannot see any of the jobs, routines containers etc.

After doing some research on DSExchange, I tried to log in without the omit option, but security does not allow this. After doing further research, it was found that if you re-index the project, all jobs, routines, containers etc. become visible again.

However, now the FTP plugin (as an example) is disabled, things such as the ODBC stage appear to be FTP plugins, and the project in general really appears abnormal.

I have thrown all the juice I have at this problem, and am really stuck. I tried deleting the project and recreating, but then I am back at the start (where nothing is visible)

Where to from here???

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:00 am
by kcbland
Both servers are running the same release of DS Server?

The new server project has all of the plugins installed?

The .dsx file is a common denominator, does it include all source or is it just executables? If you can see the designs, it should include the source I would think.

The userid you are using, is it the right role for doing imports (use Administrator client to check)?

Are you importing the source code and then compiling?

Are you using VC?

How are you on disk space in the project and DSEngine file systems?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:14 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Hi Ken, Thanx for the reply!

Yep, both servers are exactly the same. Also, I can see the plugins in other projects, it is simply my project that started misbehaving...

When exporting, I exported the entire project, including source, executables, job designs etc. etc. etc.

You can only see the designs once the reindex has taken place, but then again, you can also see the source.

I am importing the source, re-indexing, and running a multiple job compile.

VC? What does that stand for (apologies, still very new to datastage...). One of the consultants that we have on site will assist, but can only do so in the morning, and I am gonna get fried if I dont get this sorted tonight...

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:20 am
by kcbland
Are other projects okay on the new server and just yours is the problem? It sounds like it's either a corrupted project or not all components are there.

If your project is the problem, just drop it and create it fresh rather than go thru the reindex shuffle. Import your .dsx and see if it's okay. Make sure you've got plenty of disk space.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:24 am
by gpatton
Are any of the computers using Windows XP?

If so, make sure that the XP patch is installed.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:31 am
by PhilipDuPlessis

My computer is running on XP, whereas the servers are both running (I think) on Windows 2000 server edition. When I perform the export, it is done on the server. However, when doing the import, I am running off my box. Where do I get the patch?

Other funny that I have noticed which is due to my box being xp (will the patch address these?):
- When performing the documentation, note that metadata such as column headings does not appear within the documentation.

I will reply with a posting after trying to create the project and everything from the server itself.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:34 am
by kcbland
In the short run, just use the servers clients to do the exports and imports. You can go to one server, start DS Manager, export there, reconnect from that server to the other server and do the import.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:55 am
by kcbland
This sounds like a permissions issue. The userid you are using, is it the right role for doing imports (use Administrator client to check)?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:02 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Yep, I can create and delete projects using administrator client. Note that I am using the omit option when logging on to the client. If you look at some of the postings, the whole cataloging problem was experienced previously, and some people advised to disable the Omit, whereas some people advised to rather re-index. I went for the latter option because of security constraints.

I will speak to the infrastructure gurus and see if they can assist with permissions and let you know

Once again, thanx for all the assistance.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:21 am
by roy
Regarding the wierd icons you see n designer if your not seeing them from every client installation you have it might just be a client problem resolved by a reinstall.

also make sure your DS Server and clients are exactly the same version
(i.e: 7.5.1 server and 7.5.1A clients are not a good idea)


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:29 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Hi Roy,

It is not really that it is weird icons. Its more like that the icons are behaving very funny. (i.e. an ODBC bulk loader is now seen as an FTP stage, and the FTP stage is greyed out). This is happening on 3 different clients that I have tried, one with Windows XP, and 2 with Windows 2000 (not the servers).

Nobody is on site at the moment, so methinks I will have to take the pain in the morning of being roasted for work not done, whereafter hopefully it will get resolved. I can at least still work to a lesser extent, I simply cannot compile if a stage is greyed out. Will check the versions as well...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:33 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Once again, thank you to everyone for the replies. I have logged a call with Sybase SA support for some technical assistance as well.

Few things:
a) The icons are not misbehaving (thanx Denzel for that one). It simply looks like a FTP plugin, but is not. It basically is a universal icon for when DataStage does not recognise the actual plugin. So actually, it boils down to that the plugins somehow are being disabled.
b) Our technical geniuses in Operations are looking into the permissions. It is quite a long walk down the passage to Ops, and I can tell you firsthand that I must have walked about 10 kilos this morning. will keep you posted on this
c) I have a local datastage server (Windows XP), which also is a SQL server, DB2 server (to mention a few). I managed to import to here successfully without getting the same errors. I can see the jobs, and the plugins are available. Note that I login without the omit option.

Therefore, it appears to be either permissions, or XP related. I will post with any further comments during the course of the day.

ps> Absolutely stunning forum this...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:15 am
by ray.wurlod
Icons can also default to that "power socket" icon when the client machine is running out of memory. You need to open the stage properties to determine what kind of stage it is. And use Task Manager to spot the memory hog!

Of course, that does not help with the "unable to CATALOG" problem, which I've also seen on 7.5x2 on XP. However, recompiling all the jobs (using Multi Job Compile) caused all the jobs and Transformer stage routines to be cataloged properly.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:50 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Thank you to everyone for their replies in this most troubled stage of my very brief datastage career (switching from MS DTS to DataStage recently I still think it is a phenomenal ETL Tool, I am just losing my confidence in it ever so slightly)....

Herewith, a summary of what was done since I have last posted:
a) We have installed datastage client on the development server. This was done to test if we could log into manager with the superuser. This effectively resolves any permissions issues that we may have had.
b) We then proceeded to importing the production export without receiving the cataloging errors. Ken, you rock! It was a permissions issue...
c) However, note that the job designs are still not visible without performing a re-index.
d) After performing the re-index, the plugins disappear. The "power socket" icon appears on any plugins that the client does not recognise. I have to emphasise, the plugins are installed, and are visible in other projects, just not this specific project
e) I can import to my local server without any hitches

Therefore, we were actually looking at 2 problems and not 1. Once again, if anyone has any ideas on this, it would be greatly appreciated....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:08 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Hi There!

We have managed to resolve the problem by uninstalling and re-installing both server and client on the development server. Thanx to everyone for their valuable input 8)