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Hash table lookup with boolean condition

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:21 pm
by ekareem
I have a hash table that has a composite key (the key is composed of 2 columns c1 and c2)

I want to specify a lookup conidtion like this:

C1 = value1 and (C2=Value3 or Value4)

The first part is trivial.

The part 'and (C2=Value3 or Value4)' is where I have a problem

I assume that the logical operator 'and' goes by default, when I specify
C2=Value3 or C2=Value4 I get no syntax error but the row is not found even though it exists.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:08 am
by loveojha2
I suppose you have specified like
'Value3' or 'Value4'
in the lookup condition for column 2.
Actually it is a logical condition which results into true (1) or false(0).
What is actually happening is like its trying to match
Col2 with either 0 or 1 (which you don't want).

For your case you would need two separate lookups.
In first you will specify
In the second you will specify

Hope this will help you. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:38 am
by ekareem
Great - Thanks