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Only Routines Import

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:33 pm
by Prashantoncyber
I have very big dsx file around 400 MB of whole project.
Out of this , I want to import only rountines.
Need ur suggestion.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:48 pm
by kcbland

1. Import selected and put a big pot of coffee on to brew while you wait for it to dig thru 400MB of data. When it finally comes up, select all of the routines.

2. Make a copy of the dsx file and open it using Wordpad (DON'T USE NOTEPAD!!!) and highlight everything between BEGIN DSJOB and END DSJOB and cut. You'll probably see that all jobs are at the beginning of the file, the routines and metadata are in the middle, and the compiled code is at the end. Try just to leave the first few header lines of the file in place, cut everything up to the beginning of the routines, cut everything after the routines to the end of the file, leaving just the trailer line. You may accidentally delete some routines, depending on if the file was created by doing a full export, or adding jobs/routines individually.

3. Import the .dsx into a junk project, then export the routines when it's finished.

The safest choice is #1, it just will take a LONG time. Better than #3. Only do #2 if you have something stronger than coffee to drink first, preferably something with some kick to it.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:28 pm
by Prashantoncyber
Hi Kenneth,
I shall go with 1st option, Atleast i can have tea :) .
Thanks you for your suggetion.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:47 pm
by kcbland
Next time do exports by category/folder. You want individual files at least at the folder level, so that you can more easily import specific jobs.

Or look at this post to get a copy of a perl script that explodes a single large dsx file into individual files for each job and each routine.
