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ODBC stage: error

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:21 am
by vinodlakshmanan
We have an existing set of jobs which access TeraData tables through ODBC in production. While dong a development setup, we get the following error while accessing the table via ODBC:
DSR.MetaGeta(GET.DSNINFO)(SQLConnect('TD_BYT','gsir_etl_d')): BCI Error:
SQLSTATE=S1001,CODE=0,[DataStage][SQL Client][ODBC][NCR][ODBC Teradata Driver] Could not load security library
It was working fine couple of months earlier. Could you let me know how this can be resolved?


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:50 pm
by ml
I never saw this error message.. if you have the same problem in all the jobs with this ODBC connection, check the values in your .odbc.ini file... if is only one job may be is a bad SQL.

Did you check the connection?
try somethion like this...
cd `cat /.dshome`
. ./dsenv
cd ../branded_odbc/demo
./demoodbc dsnname -uid username -pwd password

and then test the driver:
cd ../bin
./ivtestlib DriverName