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XML Reader

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:37 am
by VasanthRM
Hi All,

Can anyone let me know what are the different parsing methods used by xml reader in DS.

Is the xml read sequentially or the key field defined for the xml play's any role with parsing the xml?

Thank in Adavnce

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:40 am
by kduke
The dsjob command can produce a XML file with row counts and parameter values. Both are repeating. So it is a good way to learn how to parse XML.

The job DSJobReportDb included with EtlStats does exactly this. It parses the XML from dsjob.exe or dsjob in UNIX. It parses all the repeating groups separately because the reader forces you to do so. That bug may have been fixed. Not sure. Download it and try. Let us know.