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Upgrade of 4 to 7.5.x

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:03 am
by clarcombe
I have been asked to do an upgrade from version 4 to 7. Having not even been born when version 4 was around :wink: I wonder what are the major problems I will encounter.

I have searched the forum but not found anything really specific to v4 but have heard that v4 hash tables are going to be awkward.

Do I have to stage it via a different version for example v5

I am waiting to speak to the customer to get more information (platform, data vols, stages used etc) but am writing this to get a head start.

Any info greatly received


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:39 am
by cmmurari
pls give more information i.e Both( versioin 4 and 7.5.x) OS and Databases information required.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:25 am
by ArndW
The DataStage hashed files have not changed, so there ought not be issues there. It used to be possible to change DataStage job parameter values within the job and this was occasionally taken advantage of; this will no longer work at version 7.

Re: Upgrade of 4 to 7.5.x

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:20 am
by Mamir30
The best way to do that is to create back ups(export) of your projects (.dsx) files. Uninstall version 4. Install version 7.x, and import your projects (.dsx)files in version 7.x.

There is no upgrade available from verison 4 to version 7.x. At least did not existed when I tried to upgrade over a year ago.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:42 am
by kcbland
Link ordering is a critical issue. You will have to go thru every job and make sure your link ordering is correct. The reject link has to be the last link in the order.

You will also have to make sure that all functions do not manipulate passed arguments. This change requires you to edit each function and rename the argument variables to something else, then inside the function logic you can copy the argument to the original name as a local variable.

Ex: Old function had Arg1 and inside the function it did Arg1 = TRIM(Arg1). This is now illegal. Fix it by changing argument Arg1 to NewArg1 and inside the logic put a line at the top of Arg1=TRIM(NewArg1)