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SYBASEOC Connection problem

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:26 pm
by narasimha
I am able to import meta data from a Sybase database, but if try using plug-in Meta data Import "SYBASEOC" for doing the same, I get this connection error
Unable to connect to Sybase server SYBIGRPT
Sybase Open Client error: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed
OS Error 0: Socket connect failed - errno 22.
Has any body encountered similar problems?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:52 pm
by ketfos

An attempt to establish a connection can fail in two ways (assuming that the system is correctly configured):

If the specified server machine (the machine on which the server resides) is running correctly and the network is running correctly,
but no server is listening on the specified port, the specified server machine signals the client, through a network error, that the connection cannot be formed. Regardless of the login time-out value, the connection fails.

If the machine on which the server resides is down, the server does not respond. Because "no response" is not considered to be an error, the network does not signal the client that an error occurred. However, if a login time-out period is set, a time-out error occurs when the client fails to receive a response within the set period.

Can you query using a tool like Isql?


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:40 am
by narasimha
Let me be more specific in my problem

I have created an ODBC connection on the Datastage server. I have been successfull in importing the meta data using the ODBC method.

But i am facing problems when i try import the metadata through Sybase OC plug-in. The Sybase OC stage was configured to use the 12.5 client installed on our DataStage server, and has worked in the past with other 12.5 installs.
The server to which i am connecting now has 11.924 Client installed on it.

We have no problem with the network and the server has no problem. I am able to query using Isql.
(I am able to establish the connection through ODBC sucessfully but not through the Sybase OC Plug-in)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:07 am
by ucf007
Read the release notes there are some informations concerning the sybase open client versions compatibility with the datastage plug-in...