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Universe Editor

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:46 am
by VasanthRM
I tried creating a hash file through admin with command CREATE.FILE.
This allowed me to create files asking the type,modulo and separation etc.

My questions are

But how do i specify the columns definitions and others.......
How do i edit the voc file and make a diffrent dictionary point to a data set

I could find a manual stating through Universe Editor it is possible. But what is this universe editor?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:06 pm
by ketfos
Here you can use Universe command, create data files,update data records and create reports using these commands through the universe editor.
You can get more details from IBM website or


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:23 pm
by kcbland
Column definitions are irrelevant unless you're using the UV/ODBC stage on the hash file. Hash files are content agnostic, there are no table definitions unless you want the hash file to be treated as a table.

If so, your standard SQL DDL will create a hash file with a relational layer over it to allow it to also work as a table.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:59 pm
by VasanthRM
but how do i use it? i tried with the link given by ketfos .........i t was really good.
but i wasn't able to edit VOC file
how do do that and create columns in hash file through admin

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by ketfos
I hope these steps will help you or guide you.
Creating hash file at DataStage command line

1. Select the project/account in which you want to create the file.
2. Execute CREATE.FILE filename command to create the file.
3. Execute REVISE DICT filename USING ENTER.DICT to create dictionary records that define the fileds and format of hashed file.
4. A series of prompt will guide you throught the process.
5. You can also use REVISE to modify the definition of the hased file adn to add and dekete columns in it.

Creating hash file using SQL

1. Select the project/account in which you want to create the file.
2. Execute the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. End the statement with semicolon (;).
In thes tatement specify following -
- Name of the hashed file (table), for e.g Employees
- Column definitions including SQL type.
- Primary key columns
- File charactertics.

Hope this helps you.
