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Merging Rows

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:07 am
by JezT
I have a flat file of Account numbers and account balances. There are examples where the same account number is repeated on more than one row with more than one balance. I am wanting to create just one row per account number with a sum of all the balances for that account.

For example, below is an example of 3 rows with the same account number and the balance for each row.
12345678 50
12345678 75
12345678 60
What I therefore want to end up with is one row with the following information.
12345678 185
Any suggestions ??

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:32 am
by Sunshine2323

Pass the rows through an Aggregator Stage sum on the balance and group on the Account Number.

Hope this helps :)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:46 am
by JezT
Much appreciated !!

Now works fine !