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User defined enviroment variables

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:00 am
by snassimr
Hi !

I have one problem.

I build job and define enviroment variable in JOB
I export job to another project via dsx file
In new project I defined te vvariable with the same name,but value

When I run the job the DEFAULT value from former project is appear ?

Why ? How to say DS to get new value of variable .

Re: User defined enviroment variables

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:47 pm
by ysureshv
Hi snassimr,
You have to specify the value in the new project , and the Default value for the environmental variable will be "PROJDEF" , in this way you donot see the old value in the new project.
Hope I am clear ...

snassimr wrote:Hi !

I have one problem.

I build job and define enviroment variable in JOB
I export job to another project via dsx file
In new project I defined te vvariable with the same name,but value

When I run the job the DEFAULT value from former project is appear ?

Why ? How to say DS to get new value of variable .

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:50 pm
by I_Server_Whale

What is the value of your environment variable in the 'Parameters' (Job Properties)? Is it hard coded to the previous value???

Please check that. Go to "Job Properties" then "Parameters" and see what value you are assigning to the environment variable.

Most probably it should be the previous value that you are getting and NOT the new value.

If you want to use the new default value for the environment variable that you assigned through administrator, then you have substitute "$PROJDEF" in the parameter field of the job properties in Designer.

Let me know,