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Version Control promote wrong job

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:05 pm
by htrisakti3
hi folks..
This is weird & 's been happening to me few times in the last week..

I use version control to promote ds jobs from Dev --> Test --> other env

What I did & found is as follows:
1. Initialize job_A from dev --> version
2. promote job_A from version --> test

I end up with job_A but it went to wrong folder & the content is completely different (ie from job_X)

anyone has experienced this ?
what caused this & how to fix it ??

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:20 pm
by kduke
We think it is because you have the job up in Designer.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:28 pm
by chulett
It is a very odd and (luckily) fairly rare bug. Not related to having the job open in the Designer, because if you did the Initialize/Promote step would fail as the job is locked. Heck, even monitoring the job in Director will cause it to not have 'exclusive access' to the job executable.

When this happens, it doesn't actually promote the wrong job, it initializes the wrong job. You can verify this by highlighting the job version in question in VC and pressing F7. That will open it in Designer and you'll see a completely different job hiding inside the job name you asked it to Initialize.

Not much you can do except recognize that, once in a blue moon, it will happen and deal with it accordingly by initializing the job again.

:!: If anyone ever figures out a way to reproduce this and make it happen consistantly, please post it here or on ADN. That's the only it stands a chance of getting fixed.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:30 pm
by crouse
Just had this problem pop up for us.

When working from home, we'll "terminal serve into" a computer at work to run Version Control (VC), since VPN can make running VC pretty darn slow.

The computer at work (actually the development ETL server) runs Win2003 Server. In the past, other "odd" problems have occured using VC on that computer.

Today, a job was initialized and promotedSEVERAL times via the Win2003 Server computer and the problem of promoting the wrong job kept happening.

I got "around" the problem by initializing and promoting via my laptop running XP Pro. Doing it over VPN gave me a chance to get a cup of coffee and play some hoops with the boy while it loaded up the initial VC screen. Not a bad thing on a Saturday morning, but a real pain at 1am in the morning.

Anyway, I've never (so far) had VC issues using it via XP Pro client.

Plus, I load all software updates available from Microsoft for XP Pro.

Hope that helps,

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 3:04 pm
by kduke
Do you have the XP patch for DataStage loaded?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:24 pm
by crouse
The only patch I know of is the one for Designer, after applying the XP SP2, that fixes the issue of working with Sequences. Yes, I have it applied on my laptop. Not sure if it's on the Win2003 box, since we don't us it for running Designer. Worth a try though, to see it make a difference in Version Control.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:34 am
by kduke
You are probably right. It is only for Designer but may impact VC based on its design. The bug seems to be when someone has the job you are trying to promote up in Designer therefore it si locked. Nobody has proven this but it makes sense. It cannot get the job it wants so it promotes the wrong job. The audit trail looks good but the job in VC repository is the wrong job.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:58 am
by chulett
I don't think it has anything to do with locked jobs - those seem to stop the INIT process dead in its tracks. And it's the INIT process, not the actual PROMOTE step that's the culprit from what I've seen.

I had the problem happen to me some time ago after not seeing it for years. I can't prove anything but have a feeling what is causing it. In the past, I would typically treat each VC session as a tactical air-strike - get in, drop the payload and get out. When the problem occurred, I had started to do things differently, leaving my VC connection open over the course of the day in order to handle the several times a day requests for promotion coming in.

The repository browser doesn't always seem to refresh completely each time something is done. I got the impression that it was... out of sync... enough with reality that it would blow the INIT step, pulling in the wrong job inside the right job name. It may also have been compounded by other people doing promotions while I had my VC session open over the course of the day.

Since I've gone back to the get-in-get-out tactics, it hasn't happened again. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :wink: