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Error While using Fastload and Multiload

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:23 pm
by iwin
I have to load data from table A to table B based on a condition in teradata. So i used fast export as source and multiload as target stages. But when i run the job i am getting error that either .logtable command is invaliedly used or int file is not found.
But i am sure i am doing right.
Can anyone advise me why i am getting that error.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:05 pm
by aartlett

Don't forget that a fast export in Teradata locks tables the same way as a multiload does (and has the same locks) so if the same tables are involved teradata will be a tad upset. I know this isn't your problem, just thought I'd mention it as I've been bitten by this as well. The fast export didn't release it's lock until the job finished, and I was using it to create a lookup hash table.

For fast exports you need to specify in the stage where abouts the log file will be, and I think it may even need to exist. I'm going on 8 month old memory, sorry, but we did have that problem a lot.

Do you really need a fast export? we found normal extracts were more than fast enough, and we hated multiloads from inside datastage because of not being able to restart them properly. We dumped to a flat file and ran multiload from shell (or you could use an after-job routine).

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:03 am
by iwin
I am using teradata api instead of fast export and it is working now.