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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:50 am
by Andal
I hope you are using Omit option while import. Please login by giving username and password. The same error has been covered before, Please search the Forum for more info.


Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:08 am
by Precious
Andal wrote:I hope you are using Omit option while import. Please login by giving username and password. The same error has been covered before, Please search the Forum for more info.

We are not in the position to log onto the engine without using the omit option due to security reasons. Is there no other way we can fix this?

Refer to Import dsx Errors Posting

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:16 am
by PhilipDuPlessis
Hi There! My first posting! Thanx Precious. If you look at the topic Import DSX Errors, this is covered. Basically, you have to disable the omit option. The person that encountered this error did this, and it worked