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Microsoft server moved to new domain - reinstall required?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:51 am
by StefL
I've recently set up a Data Stage test/demo environment in the office of the consulting company I work for. It's on a Windows server, whereas I've always had the server installed on a Unix server in the customer projects I've worked in.
It's worked fine, using the Windows Active Directory (AD) to pick up user privileges, passwords etc.

Now, last week we suffered a breakdown of our domain controller, which invoked a process where we've installed a new domain controller and created a new domain for the office - something that's been due for some time. All clients and servers have been joined to the new domain, and all users have had new accounts set up in the new domain. This includes the server where Data Stage is installed, which has also been moved to the new domain.
However, having done this I cannot log on to Data Stage, neither using the domain admin account nor any client account like my own. Do I need to reinstall the server, or will it be enough to create some user group with a default name that Data Stage recognises? Or is there some other step I need to take to make it work?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:24 am
by kduke
You cannot move the DataStage files around. The complete path is stored internally in some critical places. You will need to reinstall. If the path was E:\Ascential and still is then you have some other issue. Has your path changed?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:15 am
by ArndW
I seem to remember having had a similar issue, where the server name changed from to and we had to re-install. I cannot recall the symptoms, but your problem does sound a bit familiar.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:43 pm
by StefL
The host name is still the same, all we've done is join it to a different domain that before. I.e. under Control Panel -> System -> Computer Name where it is decided what the computer name is and what domain it belongs do.
So nothing has been reinstalled on the server, all that has been done is join it to a new domain. The Data Stage installation is still on the machine but it won't let me log in.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:21 pm
by ray.wurlod
That's because authentication is recorded as fully qualified names (for example domain\name or machine\name) in some locations.

There is a hashed file called UV.LOGINS in the UV account that you can use to map domain names, machine names and unqualified names, but there is no DataStage documentation for how to use this, and no GUI.

You can read about it in the IBM manual Administering UniVerse which can be downloaded from the IBM website at no cost.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:13 am
by StefL
Thanks a lot Ray, I'll give it a try when I'm back in the office Monday. Obviously reinstalling would surely be an easier solution, but where is a better place to try out solutions like this than in a lab environment in the office that's not critial to any project or deadline :P

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:14 am
by StefL
OK, I've downloaded and checked out the UniVerse Admin Guide and I conclude that although Data Stage uses UniVerse to store login/accounts info, it does not provide any access tool likte UniVerse Admin to administrate the accounts?
That is, the UniVerse Admin tools must be installed separately then?

MS server moved do new domain, logon probs OK without reinst

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:48 am
by StefL
After having dwelled on this problem for a couple of weeks I set about to reinstall the server the other day. Before I started I just tried to log in to verify that the problem still persisted - and was surprised to find that it did not.
That is - I was now able to login with accounts present in the new domain that the server was moved to. I conclude from this that it took some time for the server to have changes propagated/copied from the AD on the domain server or something like that - it is my only explanation.