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project removed outside DataStaage

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:42 pm
by dzdiver
One of our team has *ahem* removed a directory that was a datastage project directory, bypassing the administrator tool. :evil:

When attempting to run a job that writes a hashfile in an account of the same name (ie oneview), I got the error
"CpSubPricePlanExtractEnd..CHashedFileStage11.DSLink12: DSD.UVOpen Unable to open file DICT CpSubPricePlanPromoHASH in account oneview."

So I thought Id recreate the project.
In administrator, the deleted project is still in the list, and clicking it gives
"Failed to connect to host: mersey, project: oneview
( The directory you are connecting to either is not a UV account or does not exist (39125))"

It then removes the offending project name from the pick-box.

So I then tried to add the project again.
Click Add button, put in same name and location and I get:-
"DSR.ADMIN: An account called 'oneview' already exists."

So the real question is how can we clear up this mess?

Im sure theres going to be some magic incantation and waving of bones around the UV system :wink: , but Im not at witch doctor level yet.

Any takers?


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:53 pm
by ArndW
If you have a valid backup of the project you should first make sure that it is valid by creating a temp project and loading in your backup. If that works then getting completely rid of an old project that has become corrupted is done in two steps

1. Removing the link in DataStage to that project

This is done by removing the project-name record from the UV.ACCOUNTS hashed file in the $uvhome VOC. If you go into TCL you can enter the command "DELETE UV.ACCOUNT {BadProjectName}"

2. Removing the physical directory contents
Use your favorite UNIX method here :)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:14 pm
by ray.wurlod
Another step is needed, because a DataStage project is also a schema. The command required is

Code: Select all

VERIFY.SQL projectname 
This should report that the directory does not exist, and that that's a fixable error. In this case, make sure you are logged in with DataStage DBA privilege and execute

Code: Select all

VERIFY.SQL projectname FIX