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Date Calculations

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:40 pm
by rcil
Hello All,

Can I know how to calculate the age by susbstracting two dates. For example (2004-12-01) - (2000-12-01) should give me the result as 4 years and I also want to round of the number if I get any decimals. For example if the result is 5.75 I want to take it as 5 and if the result is less than one year then it should be changed to 0.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:33 pm
by vinaymanchinila
Did you try to convert them into internal format and subrtract the values and convert back .

Try this transform :

DateGenericDateDiff(%FirstInputDate%, %SecondInputDate%)

Let us know if it works.
