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Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:54 am
by kduke
Your syntax looks correct. Maybe your server is not in your PC host file or your password is incorrect.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:28 am
by charles.craig@physiciansm
The password is correct for the user I am specifying.

I don't recognize the "PC host file" you refer to. Can you elaborate?

Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:41 am
by ArndW
can you "ping" your server using the name from your PC? If not, use the IP address in the dsjob command line.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:55 am
by charles.craig@physiciansm
I can ping/nslookup and see the ip address and name of the server from the PC.

I have used the IP address and name of the server both in the dsjob command.

I have used my id+password and root id+password.

Is there a "PC host file" for DS I need to update?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:12 pm
by ArndW
No, no separate file. I assume that you can use your DS clients from this PC without a problem, right?

It looks like a syntax error, but it works on my system in the same format. Might you have any embedded blanks or special characters in the command line? Try -lprojects option without giving a project name (which, BTW, is case sensitive...)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:26 pm
by charles.craig@physiciansm
Yes, all other DS clients work correctly, i.e.
DataStage Designer
DataStage Administrator

The closest I can get with all of my variations on syntax and parameters is the following which throws a "80011 - Incorrect system name or invalid user name or password provided." error.

C:\>"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dsjob.exe" -file "C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\ServerFile" -lprojects

------------ServerFile begin------------, dsresource, abc123
------------ServerFile end------------

Thanks again for your assistance. It is interesting to note the command works on your system. Can you try the same as mine above?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:36 pm
by ArndW
Try another command,

"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dscc.exe" /h bigmachine /u arndw /p topsecretdoubleprobation /r * myproject

(this will compile all routines in project myproject)

Do you get the same error?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:43 pm
by charles.craig@physiciansm
This appears to work fine:

Compiling "Job01" - Succeeded
Compiling "Job02" - Succeeded
Compiling "Job03" - Type cannot be compiled
Compiling "Job04" - Failed


"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dscc.exe" /h /u dsresource /p abc123 /r * Project01

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:53 pm
by kduke
There is a hosts file that looks up IP addresses. It is usually in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. If you have an entry like kimhp kimlaptop

Then kimhp and kimlaptop get transformed into

Code: Select all

ping kimhp
ping kimlaptop
Are all doing the same thing. The ping command tests to see if you can reach an IP address. If it can then it sends packets to this machine just see if it gets all of them and reports success or failures.

IP Addresses can also be transformed or resolved by your Domain Name Server. Proxy server can also do a similar function. They have a hosts file which they lookup a server name and change it to an IP Address like or

When you login to DataStage your server name gets resolved by these same processes. There are bridges and routers in between which also help connect you to your DataStage server but if you cannot ping it then you have a network problem.

Once you are talking to this server then you can either have a user password problem or DataStage is not listener is not working properly. So if you can login in with Designer then dsjob should work. If dsjob is not working then you have a syntax problem.

Walk down these steps until you eliminate each issue like network problems, user password problems and DataStage issues. When you make it work then post your solution so others can learn.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:25 pm
by charles.craig@physiciansm
Thank you for the explanation although I believe I have retraced all of the scenarios.

1. The IP address and server name do resolve using ping/nslookup.
2. I can log on to the AIX server with my user and password through telnet.
3. I can log on to DataStage Designer ( and Project01) with my user and password.
4. I can successfully run the following command with my user and password:

"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dscc.exe" /h /u dsresource /p abc123 /r * Project01

5. I don't believe I have a syntax error because the following command will throw a "80011 - Incorrect system name or invalid user name or password provided." error.

C:\>"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dsjob.exe" -file "C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\ServerFile" -lprojects

------------ServerFile begin------------, dsresource, abc123
------------ServerFile end------------

The only other explanation is "DataStage listener is not working properly". Do you know how I can verify that piece?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:47 pm
by charles.craig@physiciansm
5. I don't believe I have a syntax error because the following command will throw a "80011 - Incorrect system name or invalid user name or password provided." error.

C:\>"C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\dsjob.exe" -file "C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage7.5\ServerFile" -lprojects

------------ServerFile begin------------, dsresource, abc123
------------ServerFile end------------

Boy, I'm really at a loss on this one :(