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Datastage server jobs have Internal file corruption detected

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:30 am
by Sreenivasulu

We are getting following error in production. Can any one help in identifying the problem,

Program "*DataStage*DSR_LOADSTRING": Line 114, WARNING: Internal file corruption detected during file open!
File must be repaired, possible truncation.
hsize: 2048
bsize: 2048
fsize: 5877529
Program "*DataStage*DSR_LOADSTRING": Line 121, WARNING: Internal file corruption detected during file open!
File must be repaired, possible truncation.
hsize: 2048
bsize: 2048
fsize: 5877529
DataStage Job 622 Phantom 25517
DataStage Phantom Finished.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:39 am
by ArndW

if you have the same or similar version of DataStage that I do (7.5.1) then the corrupt file is either DS_CONTAINERS or DS_JOBOBJECTS; but it could be one of several other files. This is pretty serious corruption; so instead of trying to repair the error shown I would ask what could have caused this - did you have a system crash while busily DataStaging or something in the same order of magnitude? If so, you might be best off starting with a fresh project and loading your saved jobs into it, since this error message might be just the tip of the iceberg.

If nothing major seems to have happened, you could try going into the TCL and doing a "COUNT DS_CONTAINERS" and "COUNT DS_JOBOBJECTS" to see if you get a similar error message; if so a "UVFIXFILE DS_CONTAINERS FIX" as administrator might fixe the problem - but in most cases you will have some data loss!