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getting problem in Merging of two files(abnormal termination

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:35 am
by harithay
Hi ;

I am getting problem in merging of two files.

when i run the job, it is aborting and giving follwing warning

'Abnormal termination of stage Mergestage_texst..Transformer_1 detected'

when i reset the same job, it is giving following information:

'From previous run
DataStage Job 222 Phantom 12884
Abnormal termination of DataStage.
Fault type is 11. Layer type is BASIC run machine.
Fault occurred in BASIC program DSP.Open at address 574'

what might be the problem , i could not understand , it is giving just one warning when it aborts.

any help

thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:14 pm
by harithay

I got it, i have solved ' warning'message
