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IDOC Control Segment Updation

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:08 am
by tombastian
Hi All,
I have a Job which populates SAP IDOC segments using IDOC R3 Load stage. I am populating several IDOC segments and it is working fine. Recetly I added one more link to populate IDOC Control Segment and assigned values but the values passed for Control Record are not getting updated into SAP. The job is working fine and creates IDOCs in SAP but it does not contain values for Control Record. Will any one be able to give inputs on this. Any information on this will be helpful.


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:10 am
by racsingh

You cannot populate IDOc control segment they are derived at run time from the settings and configurations in the SAP system.
Only Data Records can be designed and populated.

Rachana Singh,
DataStage_SAP Consultant
Capgemini/Bangalore India.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:31 am
by PhilHibbs
racsingh wrote:Hi,
You cannot populate IDOc control segment they are derived at run time from the settings and configurations in the SAP system.
Only Data Records can be designed and populated.
You can assign values to the control segment in the 5.1 SAP PACK. There is a terrible memory leak in the 5.1 IDoc Load, though, so make sure you ask Nigel Terry for the patch.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:45 am
by tomato
Hi all,

I have encounter the exact problem as tombastian did.

Situation is, i have 2 DS Job with IDOC stage, 1st Job is sending IDOC to DEBMAS, this job already have control record and with assigned value, and is working fine for few years.

2nd Job is sending IDOC to PORDCR1, which did not specify any control record. Now, i wanted to add the control record and assign value to it but SAP just couldn't get it.

I couldn't tell whether i've already apply the patch that PhilHibbs mentioned, as i've a job working, and the other don't.

Please help me out, your help is much much appreciated.

Best Regards.