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KeyMgtGetNextValueConcurrent sequence number reset to 1

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:19 am
by ukyrvd
We have jobs that use this function to generates keys for our reference table. Recently we have installed EE that replaces our SE. During this time we exported complete project and imported back to EE. Now when we are running the jobs involving this function, we have noticed it is starting from 1.

Does anybody know if, this migration caused reset?
In general, what else would cause this reset...for a given 'Sequence Name' ?

I have read several posts and updated the initial value of the sequence (in has file?) to max existing value in table.. as a solution.

For other.. who have similar problem.. here are couple of solutions that we can use:

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:44 am
by lshort
When using the KeyMgt Utilities, all your key values are stored in a hash file call SDKSequences.

When you migrated this file did not get moved. The KeyMgt routines look for the KeyName in the SDKSequences file. When it doesnt find the name it creates it and starts at 1.

You can edit your current SDKSequences file to change the KeyValues to what ever you like or you might consider creating a simple DS Job that updates the SDKSequences file to the values you want.

Use a flat file that has a row for each of your keys and thier values as the source and the SDKSequences file is your target.


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:56 am
by ukyrvd
Thank you for that clarification.
lshort wrote: You can edit your current SDKSequences file to change the KeyValues to what ever you like or you might consider creating a simple DS Job that updates the SDKSequences file to the values you want.
Yeah. Thats what I have done. Just wanted to confirm that migration caused this. I thought complete project export/import would include SDKSequences as well. Thanks again!!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:14 pm
by vcannadevula
ukyrvd wrote:Thank you for that clarification.
lshort wrote: You can edit your current SDKSequences file to change the KeyValues to what ever you like or you might consider creating a simple DS Job that updates the SDKSequences file to the values you want.
Yeah. Thats what I have done. Just wanted to confirm that migration caused this. I thought complete project export/import would include SDKSequences as well. Thanks again!!

Complete Project import/Export doesn't backup your SDK sequences. You have to take a backup of it from the projects/ project name directory.

Now that you have already over written your SDK file, you have to set the sequences to start from a specified point or if you have a backup of the projects direcotry, you can just re-import them into the projects direcotry.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:39 am
by kab123
Can some body tell where these file SDK files get created...?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:47 am
by ArndW

the source of these programs is visible to you - open up the job in the Manager and you will see a section of code that checks if the file exists and if not, creates a type 2 hashed fille called SDKSequences in the local project directory.