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dsjob -jobinfo

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:45 am
by VasanthRM

I tried executing dsjob -jobinfo <project> <job>

Job Status : RUN OK (1)
Job Controller : Batch::ATMFiscalPeriodLoad
Job Start Time : Mon May 9 08:25:17 2005
Job Wave Number : 2
User Status : not available
Job Control : 0
Interim Status : NOT RUNNING (99)
Invocation ID : not available
Last Run Time : Mon May 9 08:41:27 2005
Job Process ID : 0
Invocation List : LoadDimTimePeriod

i got all these info. but.......
Can any tell me, what do all these mean?

Job Wave Number
User Status
Job Control
Interim Status
Invocation Id
Job Process ID
Invocation List

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:04 am
by elavenil
Check Server job developer's guide and search for DSGetJobInfo.



Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:49 pm
by kduke
Try running this command on a job that is running. Post the new results and ask us again what you do not understand because some of these should become clear as to their meaning.