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Load Pack for SAP BW Scheduling Issue.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:02 am
by venugopal81
Hi All,

I am using Load pack for SAP BW as target.

Issue: I can able to Load the data into SAP BW manually using Load pack. If I scheduled the Job the Job is getting hanged at

NEWJOB_BWPLOAD..Load_PACK_for_SAP_BW_62: InfoPackage ZPAK_3XI2PYAZABFBSI9X098BRL5PP started with request id of REQU_3Y7NTU41HNH5ZSSD196N8RBJH

This issue only when i scheduled the job. If i ran manually it works fine.

Give me your valuable suggestions... on this issue

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:28 am
by saadmirza
Hi Venu,
From which layer are you trying to schedule...?BW or DS? Which method are you using?PUSH or PULL? If you are using PUSH, are you trying to schedule using Process Chain?


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:05 pm
by vinaymanchinila
Hi Venu,
Had this issue, try to schedule the job in BW in background